Funeral of the late Ray Hassall
We can confirm the arrangements for Ray Hassall's funeral this Friday (12th May). The funeral is at Aston Parish Church, Witton Lane, Birmingham B6 6QA at 1230pm. The church is large - but we are expecting a few people so please be seated in good time. Aston Villa have kindly agreed to provide parking in the Holte End Car Park (turn right up Trinity Road, facing the church and then right into the car park). The wake will be at the Alexander Stadium. Doors will open at 1.45pm - with light refreshments served) and we are expecting the funeral cortege to arrive about 2.30pm following a private ceremony at the Perry Barr Crem. There is plenty of parking at the Stadium and there will be plenty of room to mingle, sit in silence and remember Ray or view photos of his life. All are welcome to the funeral and the stadium to give our Ray a great send-off!