Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Tower Hill safety campaign updates

Karen Hamilton and Jon Hunt with petition outside Co-op
Karen Hamilton asked transport cabinet member Cllr Tahir Ali about progress on the Tower Hill safety petition at the monthly city council meeting yesterday.

Cllr Ali replied:  "I can confirm that following the recent fatal collision at the junction of Walsall Road and Tower Hill, Highway officers have met with West Midlands Police to assist in the course of the investigation. As is the procedure in these cases, the Police will submit a report to the Coroner’s Court, with their recommendations as to potential road improvements that should be considered in light of the circumstances of the incident.

"Whilst we will need to wait until the outcome of the Coroner’s Inquiry, to understand what recommendations will be brought forward, please be assured that Highways officers are in close contact with both the Police and the Coroner’s Office, to ensure that they have our full assistance in reaching those recommendations."

* Other related developments: The city council yesterday backed a Lib Dem initiative to introduce more 20mph zones in residential areas. Ray Hassall got to speak in the debate.

* We're consulting residents about the 952 bus route. Our suggestion is to reverse the direction around the Beeches and Booths Farm estates so it does not have to stop at the top of Beeches Road. This would also help deal with some of the bottle-neck issues around the route. We've put forward the idea as Centro have announced a review of bus routes in north Birmingham. We understand that operator National Express agrees there are problems. At the moment bus drivers have to pull out from the left hand bus lane on the Walsall Road to get into the right filter for Beeches Road. They are then stuck at a bus stop preventing other right turning traffic getting down Beeches Road.

* Karen also presented more signatures from the petition to the council meeting.


Stan Lee said...

This makes sense of course. Older residents can remember that this was what happened before. Whether the residents of Turnberry Road, would accept the waiting restrictions being moved, to the opposite side of the road, remains to be seen. Remember, Turnberry Road residents, protested when the old 52 service was first moved into Turnberry Road!

Jon said...

Stan, this would improve the situation on Turnberry Road and release on-street parking, assuming the lines were switched from one side to the other. It's been a big beef there that the lines are on the "wrong side".

Stan Lee said...

Yes Jon, I accept what you're saying and I think the important aspect of this is, that the 952 no longer stops at the top of Beeches Road. That will alleviate stationary traffic, spilling out onto the Walsall Road junction and blocking it.